Lyngby Delebil

Frequently Asked Questions

In general

Is is of interest to me?

It depends on what your needs are. In general, we can say that if you are going to use the car every single day, it is of course cheaper to have your own car. If you need to use the car less than 10 times a year, the taxi or car rental company is the cheapest. But we will dare the assertion that on everything in between a membership of a car sharing association is the cheapest.

What does it cost?

Depends, of course, on how long you have the car and how many miles you drive. Some examples:

  • Trip to the recycling station with a load of old furniture: 1 hour and 10 km in a Ford Transit van: 37 kr.
  • Family visit on a weekday evening: 5 hours (18-23) and 50 km in a Renault Clio or similar: 120 kroner.
  • Weekend trip to Jutland: 2 days and 500 km in a Renault Clio or similar: 1000 kr (plus ferry or bridge fee).

When comparing, keep in mind that it costs over 15,000 kr per year to have your own car, whether you drive it or not. At Lyngby Delebil, the fixed costs are limited to registration fee, monthly membership and insurance fees. The rest is after consumption. See also our price list and price calculator.

About reservations

How busy are the cars? - Can I be sure to get a car?

Generally speaking, our experience is that more than half of the reservations come in the last week before. So if you book a couple of weeks in advance, it's usually not a problem. Our budget target is that the cars should drive approx. 25% of the time, which leaves about 75% free time for each car. As we've got more cars, the opportunity to get a car at short notice is getting better and better: We can now offer a car at short notice about 99% of the time.

Can I travel on a holiday trip?

Sure. We do not have any maximum duration on the reservations. However, in relation to holiday trips there is a limitation: You must not enter a "former Eastern European country" without having an agreement with the club.

Can I have a fixed weekly time?

Also on this point, "first come first served" applies. If you book well in advance, it is no problem to get the same car at the same time every week.

Can I get a discount if ...?

No. We work on the principle that everyone pays the same price for the same ride. Our only discount form is that the hours following the 12th cost appr. half price. We have no night discount, volume discount, everyday discount, or any other kind of special offer. See also our price list and price calculator.

About membership

What is required for me to join?

* You must have a valid driving license (Category B, valid in Denmark) - and it must be at least 1 year old.

* You must be 23 years old

* You must have internet access and email

* You must pay a registration fee and deposit amounting to a total of 3,500 kr.

-> The Board of Directors is entitled to refuse membership.

How do I become a member?

* Click on registration.

* Fill in the fields and press 'Approve'.

-> You are now registered in the system.

* Then we will send you an email with an invoice on registration fee and deposit, totaling 3,500 kr.

-> Once the cashier has received your payment, you will be allowed to book cars.

* You must now visit a board member in person to present a copy of your valid driving license and retrieve a key for our keyboxes.

* The monthly fees will be charged as of the month in which your membership actually started.

What is a supplementary membership?

A supplementary membership extends a regular membership so that another person in the same household (same registered address) may drive the cars personally.

I've seen something about a waiting list?

We usually record members directly as they have signed up. However, we have the option of referring applicants to a waiting list, cf. Statutes and Conditions. It may be relevant if there are more membership requests than we can handle.

Can I join, even though I live in (eg) Bagsværd?

Certainly. You can become a member, whether you live in Lyngby or anywhere else. But be aware that we have no intention of deploying cars outside Lyngby and surroundings. Did you know that there are also part-club clubs in Farum, Copenhagen, Albertslund and many other places? - See the link menu.

About the cars

Where are the cars deployed?

The cars are placed in parking lots in Lyngby and surroundings. We have "big" parking lots with several cars at Lyngby station, Sorgenfri station and Virum station. A list of cars and places can be found in the price list.

Do cars have a towbar?

Yes, we have a towbar on some of the cars.

What if there is a problem with the car?

We have full road assistance and replacement car under all conditions.

How about insurance?

We have of course insurance on the cars. The liability of the members in case of damage to the car (CDW) is limited to 2,500 kr. If, however, you grossly override the traffic rules or leave the car to a non-member, this will lead to exclusion of the club and unlimited liability.

Is Lyngby Delebil interested in taking over my old car if I become a member?

No thanks. We drive exclusively newer cars, typically 1-4 years old, with odometer reading less than 100,000 km. Sell ​​your car to the scraper and use the money for the registration.

Other things ... ?

You are always welcome to contact us at info (at), both with questions and comments.